Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Black and White of It All

In spite of all the news swirling around our heads today we still have lives to lead and part of that activity is doing the things that let us live. For me part of living is doing the things I enjoy and sharing those things.

Shortly an article will surface on the 5 Most Significant Events in Becoming a Private Pilot which is a high level, narrow view of the steps I took to have the government say I could fly a plane. That was a long process enjoyed better now then when it was happening but also containing nuggets of gold along the way.

Additionally, a brief look at How Do I Learn to Ride a Motorcycle is in the works focusing on a few main concepts important to safely operate a bike. Not a word about helmets in this article, maybe later.

If you have any thoughts about topics you would like posted here for discussion please feel free to bring those up. We will give them a go.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Black and White of it All

We will spend time discussing topics of interest to me or if you have some let's get into those as well.

I am still rumbling around on the GM and UAW failure leading to the bankruptcy of General Motors. My original thoughts are available on the blog link to the article, "Magic, Pixie Dust and the Mirror of Truth" at IdeaMarketers. That article started the thought process but just did not take the parallel to our current situation far enough.

The in process article, "What's the Black and White of it All" takes this symbolic gesture a step further as we examine the similarities of the GM/UAW debacle and our current national programs and our debt. Is the same path trod by the two adversaries in this bankruptcy being joined by two new adversaries? Let's get to the Black and White of it all.

T. C. Simon